How Curious

There is a small area of central London crammed in between Lincoln’s Inn Fields, the Strand and Aldwych. The area is known as Clare Market and is taken up in the most part by the London School of Economics (LSE). The area of Clare Market was originally centred on a small market building constructed by… Continue reading How Curious

“A days doings”

The Victorians have always fascinated me. Such drive and inquisitiveness they moved the country forward with their technological advances, however I do find the general population lacking imagination and in some instances free will, but I suppose given the tight social framework of the day its understandable that they were unwilling to go off piste.… Continue reading “A days doings”

Bucolic Bonnington Square

Bonnington Square in Vauxhall was built during the 1870s. Only a “six” away from the Oval cricket ground it comprised compact neat rows of London brick houses surrounding a central double terrace primarily used to house railway workers who were employed at Nine Elms Goods Yard close by. Booth’s map has the square marked as… Continue reading Bucolic Bonnington Square

“Why was the Snowman sorting through the carrots?”

The answer can only be found in one place and that is the inside of a Christmas cracker, for it is one of the many terrible jokes that have become a festive institution. What has the Christmas cracker and a rather hideous drinking fountain have in common? No that’s not another one, this is a… Continue reading “Why was the Snowman sorting through the carrots?”